Procedural Simulation Day
For up-to-date information please click here
When is it? (Dates Below:)
See Junipers
Where is it?
Simulation Suite, Education Centre, Royal Surrey County Hospital.
Who’s it for?
Internal Medicine (IMT), Acute Common Care Stem (ACCS) and
Core Anaesthetic Trainees.
What is it?
Procedural workshop to facilitate clinical skills sign off with senior supervision.
An interactive practical procedures workshop with hands-on experience of the core procedures required during training.
Core procedures include:
Lumbar puncture
Knee joint aspiration
Pleural aspiration/drain
Central Venous Cannulation
Our experienced Simulation faculty will take you through the practical aspects, the important elements of safety and nuisances to each procedure so that you can have the confidence to take this into your everyday practice.
All procedures on patients should be done under direct and appropriate supervision until you have been signed off independently competent in that procedure.
These procedures are mapped to the current curriculum:
ACCS Mapping (pg.20): Click Here
IMT Mapping (pg.29): Click Here
Course directors

Paracentesis Trainer example video: