Core Training:Day 1

This is the entry point into our 3 tiered multidisciplinary Human Factors training programme. Human factors training is not a one stop shop but an ongoing process. Previous theatre SCReaM training was aimed at giving a brief overview; the tip of the iceberg. The new rolling flagship programme provides comprehensive training in an expanded number of modules over the 2 initial day training. It provides essential Non-Technical Skills (NTS) training adapted from aviation, as well as an overview of systems thinking and HF in Healthcare.
Currently, we have rolling training programmes in our Theatres and Oncology departments, although are expanding rapidly. Whilst containing the core principles of HF, each department’s training programme is tailored to the specific needs of that department, which are identified through discussions with team leaders, line managers and from anecdotal reports of departmental needs. If you are interested in introducing SCReaM training for your department, please do contact us.
These 2 days of initial training are suitable for all oncology and theatre healthcare workers including all nursing staff, surgeons, anaesthetists, trainees, ODPs, HCAs and managers, and can be attended within 48 hours or split over a 12-18 month period. On completion of the initial training a day of recurrent refresher training is available to provide further training and an update every 1-2 years.
Initial Training Day 1 Course topics include:
Human Factors in Healthcare: the what, why and how
The SHEEP model of HF In Healthcare
Soft Skills and Non-Technical Skill Concept: the potential impact and advantages of TRM training and behaviour change for individuals, the team and patients
Stress and Fatigue: defining, recognising, acceptance and countermeasures
Threat and Error Management: types of error, recognising and mitigation strategies including briefing/debriefing models and checklists
Communication: Types of communication, barriers, close loop systems, and skills to mitigate failures